Academic Background and Work Experience

Work Experience Before CBE

01 January 2019 – 31 July 2019: Autolocksmithco - eCommerce System Developer
Working at Auto Locksmithco Co. as the inhouse ecommerce system developer for the domain, this is the website for the company which is aimed at not just being a mere static website but also is an online store where customers can also purchase products and services online from any country in the Southern African Region. The online store showcases well over 100 different products and customers can make online payments or also pay with mobile money.
My duties also involved providing IT operational support to the many departments of the firm.
Please click here to visit the eCommerce website: Autolocksmithco

Educational Background

University of Pretoria – 2016 to 2018
  • Bachelor of Commerce: Informatics
  • KaBoyce High School
  • Highlights/Achievements:
  • Graduating from the University of Pretoria with a degree in Informatics
  • Building a data warehouse for an information system using SSIS
  • Made game in C#
  • Built a Point Of Sale from scratch
  • Obtained distinctions in the following modules:
  • 2017
  • INF225 Informatics 225 Pass with distinction
  • INF261 Informatics 261 Pass with distinction
  • INF214 Informatics 214 Pass with distinction
  • AIM111 Academic information management 111 4.00 Pass with distinction
  • JCP202 Community-based project 202 8.00 Pass with distinction
  • BER220 Business law 220 16.00 83 Pass with distinction
  • 2016
  • INF154 Informatics 154 10.00 85 Pass with distinction
  • KOB184 Communication management 184 5.00 85 Pass with distinction
  • OBS124 Business management 124 10.00 78 Pass with distinction
  • AIM121 Academic information management 121 4.00 97 Pass with distinction